Army Game Studio / SAIC
NOTE: Due to the projects possibly containing classified information, the videos above are examples of the types of projects I worked on at SAIC. In general, descriptions for these projects are vague to limit possibility of exposing sensitive information.
America's Army and Army Simulators
Dates: February 2019 - Current
Utilizing: Unreal Engine 4.20 - Unreal Engine 4.25
Platform: PC PS4
Summary: Army Game Studio develops the game franchise America's Army and various educational and training games for both the military and general public. While there, I have worked on shooters, vehicle simulations, and interactive exhibits developed in Unreal Engine. Needs for each project vary, but my work typically was on projects that included realistic simulations of real world scenarios, online multiplayer connectivity, level, character, and vehicle editors, and data collection and scoring systems intended for classroom use.
My Role: I worked as a software engineer, developing products in Unreal Engine using C++. Almost all of my work has been done on products for online multiplayer use, and with a 'games as a service' mentality of post-launch support and development. Some highlights of my work include:
- Developing a spline based cover system for a third person shooter
- Using Unreal Engine's Gameplay Ability System to develop modular character abilities
- Creating a 3D vehicle editor with modular attachments
- Using Unreal UMG to create responsive HUD and UI for weapon crosshairs, level editors, and minimaps
- Using Windows Forms to help develop an external data collection and editing application that connects to UE4
- Bugfixing vehicle behavior, character interactions, physics, and visual effects in a networked game
Cubic Corporation
NOTE: Due to the projects containing classified information, the trailer above is the only approved video I am able to show. It is an older version of the Interactive Virtual Simulation Environment project.
Air Force Surface Visual Recognition Training
Contract Dates: October 2018 - Current
Utilizing: Unity 5.6.5
Platform: PC Virtual Reality and iPad
Summary: Air Force Surface Visual Recognition Training was a program intended to teach pilots and information specialists in the Air Force to identify ground targets in potentially hostile environments. The game utilized an interactive cockpit and camera with different types of view modes to simulate a configurable air scouting mission to perform reconnaissance and successfully identify targets on the ground in a variety of different weather conditions and terrain. The game was developed in Unity to be multiplatform, with the virtual reality version containing 3D physical cockpit interactions instead of a 2D UI.
My Role: I worked as an Associate Technical Designer Contractor on the project. I was part of the initial design team, chosen due to my technical Unity expertise and design experience, and I acted as the point of contact for the technical design department for the project. My job encompassed:
- Development of the initial design document
- Prototyping features in C# in pre-production, including data flow, UI interactions, camera systems, procedural target spawning, Infrared heat vision shaders, and aircraft flight paths
- Designing and documenting the overall software architecture, showing how data is created, managed, and passed to other parts of the program
- Layout and implementation of an adaptable UI that works in both iPad and virtual reality versions
- Maintaining communication with the customer and addressing design and implementation comments
- Instructing team members on Unity workflow, coding standards, and overall usage
Navy Interactive Virtual Simulation Environment (IVSE) Training
Contract Dates: January 2018 - October 2018
Utilizing: Unreal Engine 4
Platform: PC
Summary: Interactive Virtual Simulation Environment, or IVSE, is a virtual training simulation platform used to simulate ships and other large vehicles for the purposes of education. The project I worked on is used to train Navy personnel in their particular role on the Navy ships simulated. IVSE is developed in Unreal primarily, while also utilizing a large variety of internal tools to support development.
My Role: I worked as an Associate Technical Design Contractor on the project, primarily on content development teams to create lessons and support other departments. My contract started in the production phase of the project, and was extended to work another project at Cubic. My daily duties involved working with Subject Matter Experts and heavy usage of internal tools to ensure functionality of simulation, web, and instruction content in Unreal Engine 4, and in UE4, using reusable blueprints to construct the instruction environment to a high standard of fidelity. In addition to my regular duties, I also made an effort to show initiative by:
- Cross training with Web, Simulation, and Features departments to implement and bugfix several new features in Production
- Documenting processes for new features, written for different types of users
- Creating style guides for content implementation in engine
- Training 2 new technical designers, having them run through a complete content creation cycle with supervision
- Developing quality of life blueprints to ensure speed and bug free content implementation
- Becoming a point of contact for my department on the production floor for new features and known production-side bugs